Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Kiseop Facts

[ KISEOPFACTS ] Uses alot of cute sound effects in his messages.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Once suffered from depression and contemplated suicide.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Favourite girl group is 2NE1
[ KISEOPFACTS ] 3rd - degree black belt in taekwondo.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] When nervous, he talks very fast and stutters.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Ideal girl is a girl with longhair and is shorter than him.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] wants to be a programmer.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Kiseop's blood type is A.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] He did appeared in the ' Not young ' MV ( The guy who picked up the iPod )
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Skills are popping, beatboxing, taekwondo and piano.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Full name is Lee Kiseop.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Borned in the 17 January 1991
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Has a noona.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] His ideal SNSD member is Tiffany.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] He knows the entire dance routine of SNSD's ' Gee '
[ KISEOPFACTS ] When first accepted as a new member, Kiseop went to the official page of UKISS and apologies to all the loyal KissMes.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] ( Cont. ) And he asked them to accept him in a humble way (:
[ KISEOPFACTS ] suffers from Obsessive Compulsion Disorder ( OCD )
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Kiseop likes photography.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Enjoys dancing to trot music!
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Can insert a 500 won coin in his nose.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Fav colour is Black! ^^~
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Always shout, ' Woah! Daebaaak! ' :DD
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Thinks that Dongho is the laziest member!
[ KISEOPFACTS ] His princess name in UKISS is ' Snow seop '
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Kibum started calling Kiseop ' Seoppie ' for fun XD
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Is shy and quiet infront of girls(:
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Doesn't mind if the girl went through surgery. As long as she's cute.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Height is 180cm / 5'11 feet.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] is a former ulzzang.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] is scared easily LOL!
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Alongside to Kibum and Soohyun, has the nicest and in UKISS.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Likes to listen to Rick ballad.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Favourite fruit is grapes! ( Same as me haha! )
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Likes girls who are book worms.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Can't get over small mistakes.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Often bullied by other members as he have lesser lines.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Is very honored to be a part of UKISS.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Kibum likes to scare him!
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Afraid if boneless animals.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] Drools when he sleeps! XD
[ KISEOPFACTS ] He's the nicest Hyung, according to Dongho
[ KISEOPFACTS ] The only one who can control him from being ' naughty ' is Kibummie oppa.
[ KISEOPFACTS ] he's jealous if Dongho's overflowing fan gifts during a fan meet.

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